Roadmap 2030.

Our way to more sustainability.

For us, BLUE PORT KIEL stands for the compatibility of sustainability and performance. As a port whose elements are water and air, we use the colour blue as a visual statement for an ecological future.


Current status:
A clear difference.

If you want to be successful today, you have to be proactive when it comes to environmental protection and society. That‘s the only way we can be successful in the long term. We face the challenge of fulfilling and further developing the economic use of the port in the public interest of sustainability. This includes, in particular, climate protection, energy and resource efficiency and the avoidance of pollutants in the air and water as far as technically possible.

We want to be almost climate-neutral by 2030.

Current status: We are well ahead. In 2023, we emitted a total of 2,225 tonnes of CO2, made up of the company‘s own real estate and vehicle fleet. This represents a 12 per cent reduction in emissions compared to 2019. Ship emissions (with and without shore power) at all parts of the port, with the exception of Nordmole and Nordhafen, amounted to 10,602 tonnes of CO2in 2023. This represents a 34 per cent reduction in emissions compared to 2019.

The focus topics in which we are active run through the entire company: Ship supply, energy, vehicle fleet and transport, digitalization and strategic projects.
To find out more, scroll down.

CO2-Emission Savings 2023 versus 2019, corporate emissions and ship emissions at cruise and ferry terminals by shore power
Graphics: PORT OF KIEL
Lettering: Blue sea green port

In addition to supporting external projects and promotional measures, we also do our homework:

Icon shore power

Ship drives

More and more ferries and cruise ships are now using shore power to meet their electricity needs at our terminals, switching off their engines and reducing their emissions to almost zero while at berth. A change is also taking place at sea with regard to ship propulsion systems.

Icon water

Ship waste water

To keep our seas clean, it has been possible to discharge wastewater at the Ostseekai since 2007, and even longer at the ferry terminals. By operating one of the most modern reception facility for ship wastewater on the German coast, we have been meeting the requirements that came into force in 2021 since June 2017.

Icon car with plug


We are gradually converting all industrial vehicles to electric or hydrogen drives. By participating in test operations, we are promoting the development of alternative drive systems for tractor units and forklift trucks. All other vehicles are to be refueled with CO2-neutral GTL wherever possible.

Icon wind

Air quality in the port of Kiel

The air quality in the port of Kiel is good. Even with multiple calls by cruise ships in the port, the limit values ​​for air quality are not exceeded. We have repeatedly had this measured and compared using accredited measurement methods. The result, 2018 as in 2008: all values in the green zone.

Icon sun

Green Energy

Whether for shore power, real estate or for charging the e-vehicle fleet: since 2014, we at the PORT OF KIEL have covered our electricity requirements entirely from renewable energies and now also produce our own green electricity. The overall aim is to reduce our own electricity requirements and supplement them with self-generated green electricity.

Icon intermodal transport


Intermodal transport shifts transportation from road to rail and sea and leads to a significant reduction in pollutant emissions. We promote additional train connections in our port areas in order to redirect as much traffic as possible to more environmentally friendly modes of transport.

Future Port

Close up Environmental Manager Lisa

“If you want to be successful today, you have to be proactive when it comes to environmental protection and society. This is the only way we can be successful in the long term.“

Lisa Sarodnick
Environmental Manager

Close up Electrical Engineer and Director Engineering

“As civil and electrical engineers, we plan construction processes and the technical operation of port facilities in order to make the port of Kiel efficient, safe and lower in emissions.“

Thomas Conradt & Thomas Hardt
Electrical Engineer &
Director Engineering

Close up Mechanical Engineer

“Ship wastewater disposal, the expansion of our e-mobile fleet, cable trolleys and cranes for shore power supply and the operation of intermodal facilities are just some of the areas in which we have made a lot of progress.“

Philip Volkmann
Mechanical Engineer

Close up Master Electrical Workshop

“As electronics engineers, we work at all the technical hubs. It‘s a good feeling to be directly involved in shaping the future of the port of Kiel.“

Oliver Graf
Master Electrical Workshop

Close-up Manager Operations Airport Kiel

"We are currently in the process of gearing the Airport Kiel towards operations that are as low in emissions and noise as possible and are planning the large-scale expansion of PV systems."

Marc Breuer
Manager OperationsAirport Kiel

The Baltic Sea

Due to its nature, the Baltic Sea is a very sensitive shipping and protection area. Here, ship emissions, the discharge of waste water, the disposal of waste, the fitting of oil tankers, the use of ship paints and the discharge of ballast water are regulated much more strictly than in almost all other shipping areas in the world. Not least due to its designation as an Emission Control Area (ECA), the Baltic Sea is one of the cleanest shipping areas in the world. Shipping companies have invested in new technologies to make ships even more efficient and permanently reduce emissions.
We believe that the global implementation of the limit values of 0.5 percent sulphur in ship emissions since 2020 is the right path towards a cleaner environment.

In the picture you can see the ECA area and Kiel's location between the North and Baltic Seas, in the middle of this zone.


Our port is located in the middle of one of the few worldwide ECA special zones for shipping, which were defined by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and in which special environmental guidelines apply to emissions as well as waste and process water disposal. Nevertheless, there is still room for improvement. We also want to make our contribution and become one of the showcase ports on the Baltic Sea. The port of Kiel will continue to grow. And this is ecologically beneficial, as shipping is the mode of transport with the lowest emissions of greenhouse gases, measured in terms of transport performance in tonne-kilometres.


Over 90 percent of global trade, almost 95 percent of the European Union's foreign trade and almost 70 percent of German imports and exports are handled by sea. Maritime shipping is not only the most efficient means of transportation in the international exchange of goods, but also the most efficient in terms of transport-related energy consumption and the associated environmental impact.

BLUE PORT Environmental Report.
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